The visualization work package presents the scientific project results in an appealing and easily understandable form for the general public.

Therefore, we are responsible for the operational, i.e. regular production of daily animations of data from the satellites Sentinel‑5P and in the future Sentinel‑5 and Sentinel‑4.

Ozone animation over Antarctica Figure 1: Image from operational ozone animation over Antarctica.

In addition, a method is being developed for the event-based animation of volcanic Sulphur dioxide (SO\(_2\)), for example. For this, so-called triggers are used to record the geographical position and current strength of the SO\(_2\) emission of current volcanic eruptions. These parameters then control the content and production of the animations.

Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption SO2 plume Figure 2: Image from semi-operational animation of volcanic sulphur dioxide over La Palma.

In the future we will develop and provide a frontend for a video-on-demand system. This will be based on the visualization backend for operational- and event-based animations. With this, external scientists, the press and interested members of the public can quickly and easily create individual time series animations via a graphical user interface in the sense of an “animation processing engine”.

The visualization work package is therefore divided into three sub-items:

  • WP 5100: Pre-processing (T. Ruppert)
  • WP 5200: Visualization (T. Andresen)
  • WP 5300: Video-on-Demand (S. Keim)


Thomas Ruppert, DLR DFD‑WIS
Thorsten Andresen, DLR DFD‑WIS
Stefan Keim, DLR DFD‑WIS


Ozone (O\(_3\)) - Antarctica - Video from INPULS operational animation chain.

Size of the Ozonehole (O\(_3\)) - Antarctica - Video from INPULS operational animation chain.

Ozone (O\(_3\)) - Northern Hemisphere - Video from INPULS operational animation chain.

Recent volcanic sulphur dioxide (SO\(_2\)) over South America. Video from INPULS operational animation chain.