Publications - 2011


Bovensmann, H., Doicu, A., Stammes, P., Van Roozendael, M., von Savigny, C., Penning de Vries, M., Beirle, S., Wagner, T., Chance, K., Buchwitz, M., Kokhanovsky, A., Richter, A., Rozanov, A., Rozanov, V.: From Radiation Fields to Atmospheric Concentrations - Retrieval of Geophysical Parameters. Chapter 7 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Bovensmann, H., Aben, I., Van Roozendael, M., Kühl, S., Gottwald, M., von Savigny, C., Buchwitz, M., Richter, A., Frankenberg, C., Stammes, P. de Graaf, M. Wittrock, F. Sinnhuber, M. Sinnhuber, B.M., Schönhardt, A., Beirle, S., Gloudemans, A., Schrijver, H., Bracher, A., Rozanov, A., Weber, M., Burrows, J.P.: SCIAMACHY's View of the Changing Earth's Atmosphere. Chapter 10 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Dameris, M., Loyola, D.: Chemistry-climate connections – Interaction of physical, dynamical, and chemical processes in Earth atmosphere. In Climate Change - Geophysical Foundations and Ecological Effects, Open Access Book, InTech, 3-24, ISBN 978-953-307-419-1

Doicu, A., Trautmann, T., Schreier, F.: Regularization of inverse problems in atmospheric remote sensing. In Polarimetric Detection, Characterization and Remote Sensing, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, 79-116, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-1636-0_4, 2011

Gottwald, M., Bovensmann, H. (eds): SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Gottwald, M., Diekmann, F.J., Fehr, T.: ENVISAT - SCIAMACHY's Host. Chapter 2 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Gottwald, M., Hoogeveen, R., Chlebek, C., Bovensmann, H., Carpay, J., Lichtenberg, G., Krieg, E., Lützow-Wentzky, P., Watts, T.: The Instrument. Chapter 3 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Gottwald, M., Moore, A., Noël, S., Krieg, E., Mager, R., Kröger, H.: Instrument Operations. Chapter 4 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Gottwald, M., Bramstedt, K., Snel, R., Krijger, M., Lichtenberg, G., Slijkhuis, S., von Savigny, C., Noël, S., Krieg, E.: SCIAMACHY In-orbit Operations and Performance. Chapter 6 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Lichtenberg, G., Eichmann, K.-U., Lerot, C., Snel, R., Slijkhuis, S., Noël, S., van Hees, R., Aberle, B., Kretschel, K., Meringer, M., Scherbakov, D., Weber, H., von Bargen, A.: Processing and Products. Chapter 8 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5

Snel, R., Lichtenberg, G., Noël, S., Krijger, M., Slijkhuis, S., Bramstedt, K.: Chapter 5: Calibration and Monitoring. Chapter 5 in: SCIAMACHY - Exploring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere, Earth and Environmental Science. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-90-481-9895-5


Alam, K., Blaschke, T., Madl, P., Mukhtar, A., Hussain, M., Trautmann, T., Rahman, S.: Aerosol size distribution and mass concentration measurements in various cities of Pakistan. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13, 944-1952, doi: 10.1039/c1em10086f, 2011

Alam, K., Trautmann, T., Blaschke, T.: Aerosol optical properties and radiative forcing over mega-city Karachi. Atmospheric Research, 101, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.05.007, 2011

Antón, M., Loyola, D., Clerbaux, C., López, M., Vilaplana, J.M., Bañón, M., Hadji-Lazaro, J., Valks, P., Hao, N., Zimmer, W., Coheur, P.F., Hurtmans, D., Alados-Arboledas, L.: Validation of the MetOp-A total ozone data from GOME-2 and IASI using reference ground-based measurements at the Iberian Peninsula. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115 (6), 1380-1386. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2011.01.018, 2011

Antón, M., Loyola, D.: Influence of cloud properties on satellite total ozone observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (116). DOI: 10.1029/2010JD014780, 2011

Antón, M., Bortoli, D., Kulkarni, P.S., Costa, M.J., Domingues, A.F., Loyola, D., Silva, A.M., Alados-Arboledas, L.: Long-term trends of total ozone column over the Iberian Peninsula for the period 1979–2008. Atmospheric Environment, 45(35), 6283-6290. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.08.058, 2011

Bauer, S., Bierwirth, E., Esselborn, M., Petzold, A., Macke, A., Trautmann, T., Wendisch, M.: Airborne spectral radiation measurements to derive solar radiative forcing of Saharan dust mixed with biomass burning smoke particles. Tellus B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 63, 742-750. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00567.x, 2011

Gimeno García, S., Schreier, F., Lichtenberg, G., Slijkhuis, S.: Near infrared nadir retrieval of vertical column densities: methodology and application to SCIAMACHY. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4 (12), 2633-2657, Copernicus Publications. DOI: 10.5194/amt-4-2633-2011, 2011

Hao, N., Valks, P., Loyola, D., Cheng, Y., Zimmer, W.: Space-based measurements of air quality during the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044004, 2011

Hedelt, P., Alonso, R., Brown, P., Collados, M., Rauer, H., Schleicher, H., Schmidt, W., Schreier, F., Titz-Weider, R.: Venus transit 2004: Illustrating the capability of exoplanet transmission spectroscopy. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 533 (A136), 8 pages, EDP Sciences . DOI: 10.1051/00046361201016237, 2011

Kahnert, M. and Rother, T.: Modelling optical properties of particles with small-scale surface roughness: combination of group theory with a perturbation approach. Optics Express 19, 11138–11151, 2011

Kniffka, A. and Trautmann, T.: Combining the independent pixel and point-spread function approaches to simulate the actinic radiation field in moderately inhomogeneous 3D cloudy media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 112 (8), DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.01.026, 1383-1393, 2011

Köhler, C.H., Trautmann, T. Lindermeir, E., Vreeling, W., Lieke, K., Kandler, K., Weinzierl, B., Gross, S., Tesche, M., Wendisch, M.: Thermal IR radiative properties of mixed mineral dust and biomass burning aerosol during SAMUM-2. Tellus B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 63 (4), 751-769, Blackwell Publishing Ltd. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00563.x, 2011

Kohlert, D., Schreier, F.: Line-by-Line Computation of Atmospheric Infrared Spectra With Field Programmable Gate Arrays. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 4 (3), 701-709. IEEE. DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2010.2098395, 2011

Loyola, D., Koukouli, M.L., Valks, P., Balis, D., Hao, N., Van Roozendael, M., Spurr, R., Zimmer, W., Kiemle, S., Lerot, C., Lambert, J.-C.: The GOME-2 total column ozone product: Retrieval algorithm and ground-based validation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 (D07302). DOI: 10.1029/2010JD014675, 2011

Meringer, M., Reinker, S., Zhang, J., Muller, A.: MS/MS Data Improves Automated Determination of Molecular Formulas by Mass Spectrometry. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 65 (2), 259-290, 2011

Otto, S., Meringer, M.: Positively homogeneous functions in atmospheric radiative transfer theory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 376(2), 588-601, Elsevier, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2010.10.068, 2011

Otto, S., Trautmann, T., Wendisch, M.: On realistic size equivalence and shape of spheroidal Saharan mineral dust particles applied in solar and thermal radiative transfer calculations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11, 4469-4490. Copernicus Publications. DOI: 10.5194/acp-11-4469-2011, 2011

von Paris, P., Cabrera, J., Godolt, M., Grenfell, J.L., Hedelt, P., Rauer, H., Schreier, F.,Stracke, B.: Spectroscopic characterization of the atmospheres of potentially habitable planets: GL 581 d as a model case study. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 534, DOI: 10.1051/00046361/201117091, 2011

Rauer, H., Gebauer, S., von Paris, P., Cabrera, J., Godolt, M., Grenfell, J.L. Belu, A., Selsis, F., Hedelt, P., Schreier, F.: Potential Biosignatures in Super-Earth Atmospheres I. Spectral appearance of super-Earths around M dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 529, DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201014368, 2011

Rix, M., Valks, P., Hao, N., Loyola, D., Schlager, H., Huntrieser, H., Flemming, J., Koehler, U., Schumann, U., Iness, A.: Volcanic SO2, BrO and plume height estimations using GOME-2 satellite measurements during the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in May 2010. Journal of Geophysical Research, AGU, DOI: 10.1029/2011JD016718, 2011

Rozanov, A., Kühl, S., Doicu, A., McLinden, C., Pukite, J., Bovensmann, H., Burrows, J., Deutschmann, T., Dorf, M., Goutail, F., Grunow, K., Hendrick, F., von Hobe, M., Hrechanyy, S., Lichtenberg, G., Pfeilsticker, K., Pommereau, J.P., Van Roozendael, M., Stroh, F., Wagner, T.: BrO vertical distributions from SCIAMACHY limb measurements: comparison of algorithms and retrieval results. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4, 1319-1359, DOI: 10.5194/amt-4-1319-2011, 2011

Schreier, F.: Optimized implementations of rational approximations for the Voigt and complex error function. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 112 (6), 1010-1025, DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2010.12.010., 2011

Schymanski, E.L., Meringer, M., Brack, W.: Automated Strategies To Identify Compounds on the Basis of GC/EI-MS and Calculated Properties. Analytical Chemistry, 83 (3), 903-912, ACS Publications, DOI: 10.1021/ac102574h, 2011

Schuessler, O., Loyola, D.: Parallel Training of Artificial Neural Networks Using Multithreaded and Multicore CPUs. In: Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6593, 70-79, 2011

Thomas, W., Loyola, D.: Satellite remote sensing of reactive trace gases: How does it work?. WMO-GAW Letter - Deutscher Wetterdienst, 54, 2011

Valks, P., Pinardi, G., Richter, A., Lambert, J.-C., Hao, N., Loyola, D., Van Roozendael, M., Emmadi, S.: Operational total and tropospheric NO2 column retrieval for GOME-2. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 4 (7), 1491-1514, DOI: 10.5194/amt-4-1491-2011, 2011


Dr.-Ing. Diego Loyola
Department Head Atmospheric Processors (ATP)
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF)
Tel.: +49 8153 28-1404
Fax: +49 8153 28-1446

Last modified: 3 May 2017