lbl2od computation of line-by-line optical depth due to molecular absorption usage: lbl2od [options] atm_file line_parameter_file(s) -h help -c char comment character(s) used in input,output file (default '#') -o string output file for saving of optical depth (if not given: write to StdOut) (if the output file's extension ends with ".nc", ".ncdf" or ".netcdf", a netcdf file is generated, otherwise the file is ascii tabular) -m char mode: 'c' ---> cumulative optical depth 'd' ---> difference (delta) optical depth (default) 'r' ---> reverse cumulative optical depth 't' ---> total optical depth --avg int running average: return mean of some points --BoA float bottom-of-atmosphere altitude [km] (compute opt.depth only for levels above) --ToA float top-of-atmosphere altitude [km] (compute opt.depth only for levels below) NOTE: no interpolation, i.e. integration starts/stops at the next level above/below BoA/ToA --scale floats multiply molecular concentrations with scaleFactors (either a comma separated list of floats (no blanks) in the same order as for the line data files, or just a single float to scale the profile of the molecule corresponding to the first lineFile.) -x Interval lower,upper wavenumbers (comma separated pair of floats [no blanks!], default set according to range of lines in datafiles) --cw common wavenumbers only (optical depth only calculated for spectral regions where ALL cross sections are nonzero) --nm on output write optical depth versus wavelength [nm] (default: wavenumber 1/cm) -r on output reverse layer optical depth order: top <--> bottom of atmosphere -y on output write only optical depth without x-values (wavenumbers etc) For more information use lbl2od --help