3. The Instrument

Fig. 3-1
SCIAMACHY functional block diagram with simplified interfaces between assemblies and modules. (graphics: DLR-IMF, modified after EADS Astrium 2004)
Fig. 3-2
Optical configuration level 1. (graphics: DLR-IMF, modified after SJT 1996)
Fig. 3-3
Optical configuration level 2. (graphics: DLR-IMF, modified after SJT 1996)
Fig. 3-4
SCIAMACHY optical ‘trains’. Each ‘train’ defines a path for the measured light through the instrument to the detectors. Light sources can be external or internal. (graphics: DLR-IMF and SRON)
Fig. 3-5
Sketch of SCIAMACHY’s TCFoV and observation geometries. (graphics: DLR- IMF)
Fig. 3-6
ESM scanner on vibration test adaptor. The leftmost rectangular opening is the Nadir Calibration Window. (photo: EADS Astrium)
Fig. 3-7
The RETICON (top) and EPITAXX (bottom) linear detector arrays. (photo: SRON)
Fig. 3-8
Single SCIAMACHY detector module (left) and the full complement of 8 detector modules (right). (photo: SRON)
Fig. 3-9
The signal-tonoise ratios for all channels as obtained during OPTEC-5 tests. The ratios were determined for minimum and maximum radiance signals. (graphics: DLR-IMF)
Fig. 3-10
Heat pipes from optical bench to RAD A (top) and cryogenic heat pipes from detectors 7 & 8 to SRC (bottom). (photo: EADS Astrium)
Fig. 3-11
The Simplified Engineering Model of the EA with ICU (1), PMTC (2), SDPU (3) and DBU (4). (photo: EADS Astrium)
Fig. 3-12
Structural Model of the OA showing the SCIAMACHY design with detectors (1), ESM with Nadir Calibration Window (2), nadir baffle (3), RAD A (4), SRC (5) and Thermal Bus (6). (photo: ESA)
Fig. 3-13
Integration of the OA. (photo: Dutch Space)
Fig. 3-14
ENVISAT integration on the ESTEC Hydra vibration test facility. The instruments are covered with MLI. SCIAMACHY is the only instrument located on the front panel (top right corner). (photo: ESA)

Page generated 02 March 2007