Measurement Parameter Description

Each instrument state is defined by a series of individual measurement parameters, which can be grouped into STATE and COMMON parameter tables. A table summary can be found in the figure below.

SCIAMACHY instrument states:
STATE and COMMON parameter tables

The web pages provide information on the content of all STATE parameter tables and those COMMON parameter tables which are 'referenced' by STATE parameter tables.
Each table description includes

The list of tables is composed of

    - Scanner State Parameter
    - Pixel Exposure Time Parameter (BCPS Units)
    - Pixel Exposure Time Parameter (Support)
    - Hot Mode Parameter
    - State Index
    - State Duration (BCPS Units)
    - State Duration (Support)
    - Co-Adding
    - Integration Time (Support)
    - Basic Scan Profile
    - Relative Scan Profile
    - Cluster per Channel
    - Cluster Definition
    - Cluster Definition (Support)

The Measurement Parameter tables do exist in two versions: The EEPROM version which represents the tables burnt into the EEPROM and the RAM version, which includes the EEPROM version plus all parameter modifications via ERCORMS at ICU initialisation. It is the RAM version which is actually used in-flight. The parameter tables provided on the web-sites are those for routine operations (final flight state configuration).

Note: The tables presented here are for information purposes only. If configuration controlled information is required for command & control, mission planning or data processing purposes the only applicable sources are the relevant documents (e.g. IOM).


Basic Scan Profile Table

This table defines the parameters for the Basic Scan Profile. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

Basic Scan Profile Identifier:
Basic Scan Position Azimuth:

Basic Scan Rate Azimuth:

Basic Scan Position Elevation:

Basic Scan Rate Elevation:

identifier of Basic Scan profile; range = 0–14
definition of the scanner azimuth start position of a basic scan
profile in mrad; range = -6283185 to 6283185 (-2p to 2p)
definition of the scanner azimuth scan rate in µrad/sec;
range = -32768 to 32767 (-0.032768 to +0.032767 rad/sec)
definition of the scanner elevation start position of a basic scan profile in µrad;
range = -6283185 to 6283185 (-2p to 2p)
definition of the scanner elevation scan rate in µrad/sec;
range = -32768 to 32767 (-0.032768 to +0.032767 rad/sec)


Cluster Definition Table

This table defines the clustering scheme. A total of four tables of this class exist, corresponding to the
number of different clusterings.

Table Template:


Cluster Index:
Cluster Identifier:

Start Pixel:


identifier of the channel; range = 1a–8 (channels 1 and 2 are subdivided into
2 separate channels)
identifier of the cluster; range = 1–64 (maximum)
identifier of a cluster within a particular channel, i.e. channel cluster counter;
range = 0–15
definition of the start pixel of a cluster; range = 0–8191
note that the numbering is continuous through all channels
definition of the number of pixels contained in a cluster; range = 1–1024


Cluster Definition – Support

This table provides supporting information for the definition of the clusters. For each cluster definition
(indicated at top of each table), the clustering within all 8 channels is given.

Table Template:

Upper section:

Channel ID:
Channel - Start Pixel:

Channel - End Pixel:

Channel - Length:
Channel Wavelength - Min:
Channel Wavelength - Max:

Lower section:

Cluster ID:

Cluster - Start Pixel:
Cluster - End Pixel:
Cluster - Length:
Channel Wavelength - Min:
Channel Wavelength - Max:

Cluster Index:
Cluster Identifier:
Start Pixel:


identifier of the channel; range = 1a–8
identifier of the first used pixel in the channel (excluding blinded pixels);
range = 0–1023
identifier of the last used pixel in the channel (excluding blinded pixels);
range = 0–1023
number of used pixels in the channel (End Pixels-Start Pixel+1)
Start Pixel expressed in nm
End Pixel expressed in nm


identifier of the cluster within the channel (including clusters with unused
and blinded pixels); range= 0–15
identifier of the first pixel in the cluster
identifier of the last pixel in the cluster
number of pixels in the cluster (End Pixels-Start Pixel+1)
Start Pixel expressed in nm (only for clusters with used pixels)
End Pixel expressed in nm (only for clusters with used pixels)
characterisation of unused and blinded pixels, virtual channels,
overlaps and major measurement targets (AE = aerosols)
identifier of the cluster; range = 1–64 (maximum)
same as ‘Cluster ID’
same as ‘Cluster - Start Pixel’
same as ‘Cluster - Length’


Cluster per Channel Table

This table defines the number of clusters in each channel. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

Cluster Table ID:
Channel 1 – Channel 8:

identifier of the corresponding Cluster Table Index; range = 1–4
number of clusters within the particular detector channel;
range = 1a–8


Co-Adding Table

A Co-Adding table exists for each co-adding index, i.e. the total number of tables in this class is 70
(the equality of the number of co-adding tables and the number of states is only accidental).
Each Co-Adding table stores consecutively 64 co-adding factors.

Table Template:

Cluster Index:

Co-Adding Factor:

identifier of the cluster;
range = 1–64 (maximum)
number of co-addings to be applied to the pixel data in a cluster;
range = 1–64 (maximum)
1 = no co-adding applied
n, 1 < n < equal 64 (n data words will be co-added)


Integration Time – Support

This table defines the integration times in seconds as a function of cluster index. The table is not stored onboard but has been derived from State Index, Co-adding, PET and Cluster Definition table (integration_time = co-adding � PET). For Sun occultation states the high data rate settings of Cluster Definition Index and PET have been used; for all other states the low data rate settings.

Table Template:

Cluster Index:

Co-Adding Factor:

identifier of the cluster;
range = 1–64 (maximum)
integration time in seconds;
derived from PET � Co-adding factor
(for clusters in Hot Mode the effective integration time is given)


Detector Cmd Words

The table Detector Cmd Words defines the parameters for the non state dependent settings of the 8 detector channels.
The table is set by the identical MCMD as the DME ENABLE list. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

Header Line:

Exp. Time Factor:
Mode BIN:

Section Address DEC:

Ratio BIN:

Control BIN:
Comp Mode BIN:

Fine Bias Setting BIN:

Short PET BIN:
spans the area of information for the Detector Cmd Word

ID of the detector module electronics
parameter not delivered from this table to the SDPU
defines the operational mode. Set to default value ‘00’.
Range: 00 – 01
channel 1 – 5 … normal mode
channel 6 – 8 … state dependent defined by MCMD - SET HOT MODE
defines the intersection of the 2 virtual channels of a detector
applies to channel 1 – 5 only
Range: 1 – 511;‘0’ used if no virtual channels are defined
parameter not delivered from this table to the SDPU. Set to default value ‘00001’.
applies to channel 1 – 5 only
parameter not delivered from this table to the SDPU. Set to default value ‘01’.
defines the setting of the ‘Offset’ compensation.
applies to channel 6 – 8 only
Range: 00 – 11
adjusts the setting of the ‘Bias’ voltage.
applies to channel 6 – 8 only
Range: 000 – 111
defines PET in HOT MODR ( not delivered from this table to the SDPU)
applies to channel 6 – 8 only



The table DME ENABLE list defines if one of the 8 detector channels is enabled/disabled. The table is
set by the identical MCMD as the Detector Cmd Words table. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

Enabled/Disabled BIN:

identifier of the corresponding Cluster Table Index; range = 1–4
defines if the DME is activated.
Range: 0 –1


Hot Mode Parameter Table

This table defines whether to invoke the Hot Mode for channels 6–8 or to use the PET-values as defined
in the Pixel Exposure Time parameter table. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

State ID:
Channel 6 - Mode:

Channel 6 - Short PET:

Channel 7 - Mode:

Channel 7 - Short PET:

Channel 8 - Mode:

Channel 8- Short PET:

identifier of state; range = 1–70
definition of the exposure time in channel 6; range = 00/01
00 = normal mode, i.e. the exposure time is defined by the PET
01 = Hot Mode, i.e. the exposure time is not defined by the PET
scaling factor for determination of exposure time in channel 6 when
mode is set to ‘01’(exposure time=28.125 µsec*2Short PET);
range = 0–10
definition of the exposure time in channel 7; range = 00/01
00 = normal mode, i.e. the exposure time is defined by the PET
01 = Hot Mode, i.e. the exposure time is not defined by the PET
scaling factor for determination of exposure time in channel 7 when
mode is set to ‘01’(exposure time=28.125 �sec*2Short PET);
range = 0–10
definition of the exposure time in channel 8; range = 00/01
00 = normal mode, i.e. the exposure time is defined by the PET
01 = Hot Mode, i.e. the exposure time is not defined by the PET
scaling factor for determination of exposure time in channel 8 when
mode is set to ‘01’(exposure time=28.125 �sec*2Short PET);
range = 0–10


Pixel Exposure Time Parameter Table

This table defines the pixel exposure times for all states, both for the low and the high data rate.
Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

State ID:
Data Rate:

Channel 1 – Channel 8:

identifier of state; range = 1–70
data rate for which the exposure times apply; the Pixel Exposure Time (PET)
is specified separately for high and low data rate
PET in SCIAMACHY measurement channels (including the separation
of the first two channels into virtual channels) in BCPS
(1 BCPS=62.5 msec); range = 1–16383 (62.5 msec–1023.9375 sec);
note that the value ‘0’ corresponds to 31.25 msec i.e. only pixel data from
every second exposure will be read


Pixel Exposure Time Parameter – Support (sec)

This table defines the pixel exposure times for all states, both for the low and the high data rate, in seconds.

Table Template:

State ID:
Data Rate:

Channel 1 - Channel 8:

identifier of state
data rate for which the exposure times apply; the Pixel Exposure Time (PET)
is specified separately for high and low data rate
PET in SCIAMACHY measurement channels (including the separation
of the first two channels into virtual channels) in seconds


Relative Scan Profile Table

The relative scan profile is superimposed onto the basic scan profile. Each table describes the parameters for one Relative Scan Profile. Six tables of this class exists.

Table Template:

Common parameter:

Segment 1 – Segment 8/16:

Number of used Segments:

Duration of Segment (msec):
Angular variation (µrad):

Acceleration at Start of Segment

Acceleration at End of Segment

Number of Support Points:

BCPS Synchronisation:

parameters, applicable to the entire profile (columns 3–8)
note that the term ‘common’ is only used locally; it does not refer to the
COMMON parameters
identifier of the segment of the Relative Scan Profile; the maximum number
of segments is given by the row parameter Number of used Segments
(segments are sub-divisions of a profile)

number of segments used for the construction of the profile;
range = 1–16 (identical to columns 3–10)
duration of a segment in msec; range = 0–65535
definition of the difference between the angle at the end of the segment
and the angle at the start of the profile in µrad;
range = -6283185 to 6283185 (-2p to 2p)
definition of the acceleration at the start of a segment in mrad/sec²;
range = -32768 to +32767

definition of the acceleration at the end of a segment in mrad/sec²;
range = -32768 to +32767

selection of number of support points for the calculation of the
acceleration function (the position between support points is derived by
linear interpolation);
range = 0–255
selection of synchronisation mode at start of a segment;
range = 0/1
0 = no synchronisation
1 = synchronisation (start when a BCPS is received)


Scanner State Parameter Table

This table defines various scanner parameters. A Scanner State Parameter table exists for each state, i.e. the total
number of tables in this class is 70.

Table Template:

Common parameter:
Channel - Start Pixel:

Phase 1 - Phase 8:


State ID:
Relative Scan Profile Factor n:

Number of Scan Phases:

Duration of Phase:

Phase Type:

Azimuth Centering of Relative
Scan Profile:

Azimuth Filtering:

Azimuth Inverse Relative
Scan Profile for Even Scan:

Azimuth Correction of nominal
Scan Profile:

Azimuth Relative Scan Profile

H/W Constellation:

Azimuth Basic Scan Profile

Azimuth Number of Repetition
of Relative Scan:

Elevation Centering of Relative
Scan Profile:

Elevation Filtering:

Elevation Inverse Relative Scan
Profile for Even Scan:

Elevation Correction of nominal
Scan Profile:

Elevation Relative Scan Profile

Elevation Basic Scan Profile

Elevation Number of Repetition
of Relative Scan:

parameters, applicable to all phases (columns 3 – 10)
note that the term ‘common’ is only used locally; it does not refer to the
COMMON parameters
particular phases of the scan activities (phase 1 = transition from scanner Idle
to scanner start position, last phase = transition from scan to idle);
the maximum number of phases is given by the row parameter Number of
Scan Phases

only for internal use

identifier of measurement state; range = 1–70
multiplication factor to be applied to the Relative Scan Profile parameters
Angular Variation, Start Acceleration, End Acceleration;
if no Relative Scan profile shall be used in a state, the factor shall be ‘0’;
range = -128 … +127
presently unused
number of phases for each scanner mode;
range = 1–8 (according to used phases of columns 3–10)
duration of the scan phase in seconds; this parameter has precedence for the
timing of a phase; range = 250 msec–6500 sec
note that the duration of phase 1 and the last phase are smaller than the
setup and cleanup times because the latter include the execution times of the
corresponding primitive commands
selection of type of scanner movement; range = 0/1
0 = transition to position defined by nominal profile - see IOM
1 = scan execution according to phase parameters

selection of centering; range = 0/1
0 = no centering applied
1 = apply centering algorithm to Relative Profile
selection of filtering; range = 0/1
0 = no filtering applied
1 = apply filter for smoothing the transition from encoder to sunfollower feedback

selection of inversion scheme, range = 0/1
0 = no inversion, all repetitions are identical
1 = inversion, each 2nd scan profile in a series is inverted

selection of correction type for Basic Scan Profile for time dependent effects
to achieve nominal ILOS scan trajectory; range = 0–9
0 = no correction
1–9 = different types of corrections - see IOM

selection of Relative Scan Profile stored in the PMTC; the Relative Scan Profile
is added to the Basic Scan Profile; range = 0–6
0 = no Relative Scan Profile
j (j=1,…,6) = Relative Scan Profile j
selection of ILOS conversion algorithms for the optical H/W constellation in use;
range = 1–5 (according to 5 different algorithms)

selection of Basic Scan Profile stored in the PMTC;
range = 0–14 (according to number of Basic Scan sets)

number of repetitions of Relative Scan Profile in one scan phase; range = 0–4095
0 = no repetition, executes selected Relative Scan Profile only once
n > 0 = execution of n repetitions
presently unused

selection of centering; range = 0/1
0 = no centering applied
1 = apply centering algorithm to Relative Profile
selection of filtering, range = 0/1
0 = no filtering applied
1 = apply filter for smoothing the transition from encoder to sunfollower feedback

selection of inversion scheme, range = 0/1
0 = no inversion, all repetitions are identical
1 = inversion, each 2nd scan profile in a series is inverted

selection of correction type for Basic Scan Profile for time dependent effects to
achieve nominal ILOS scan trajectory; range = 0–9
0 = no correction
1–9 = different types of corrections - see IOM

selection of Relative Scan Profile stored in the PMTC; the Relative Scan Profile
is added to the Basic Scan Profile; range = 0–6
0 = no Relative Scan Profile
j (j=1,…,6) = Relative Scan profile j
presently unused

selection of Basic Scan Profile stored in the PMTC;
range = 0–14 (according to number of Basic Scan sets)

number of repetitions of Relative Scan Profile in one scan phase; range = 0–4095
0 = no repetition, executes selected Relative Scan Profile only once
n > 0 = execution of n repetitions


State Duration Table

This table defines the duration of state internal time intervals. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

State ID:
Restart Time:

(SDPU) Mode:

SDPU Duration (Number of BCPS):

Wait Measurement Execution - WM:

State Duration:

Scanner Reset Wait - WSR:

identifier of state; range = 1–70
definition of the elapse time between consecutive RESTART commands
in limb mode in number of BCPS pulses;
range = 1–255 (1 BCPS = 62.5 msec)
selection of measurement mode for SDPU; range = 0/1
0 = standard, continuous measurement
1 = limb mode, no data processing from elevation steps
definition of SDPU measurement mode in number of BCPS;
range = 0 to 216-1 (0 – 65535)
definition of the RTCS Wait parameter WM (the time to wait for the
termination of the nominal scan, i.e. excluding the last phase of a state) in CT
(1 CT = 3.90625 msec); range = 0 to 232-1
definition of the total duration of the state, including all phases of the state
(equivalent to the RTCS execution time) in CT; range = 0 to 232-1
definition of the RTCS Wait parameter WSR (the time to wait for the
termination of the last phase of a state) in CT;
range = 0 to 216-1 (0 – 65535)


State Duration – Support (sec)

This table defines the duration of state internal time intervals in seconds.

Table Template:

State ID:
Restart Time:

(SDPU) Mode:
SDPU Duration (seconds):

Wait Measurement Execution - WM:

State Duration:

Scanner Reset Wait - WSR:

identifier of state
definition of the elapse time between consecutive RESTART commands
in limb mode in seconds
selection of measurement mode for SDPU, either ‘Standard’ or ‘Limb’
definition of SDPU measurement mode in seconds, corresponds
to the duration of scan phases 2 to n-1
definition of the RTCS Wait parameter WM (the time to wait for the
termination of the nominal scan, i.e. excluding the last phase of a scanner
state) in seconds
definition of the total duration of the state, including all phases of the state
(equivalent to the RTCS execution time) in seconds
definition of the RTCS Wait parameter WSR (the time to wait for the
termination of the last phase of a state) in seconds


State Index Table

This table defines the relation between states, cluster definition and co-adding index, both for the low and the high
data rate. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

State ID:
Cluster Table Index:

Coadding Index High Data Rate:

Coadding Index Low Data Rate:

Measurement Category ID:

identifier of state; range = 1–70
selection of the clustering scheme (cluster: pixel area of a sensor/ channel
with identical PET and co-adding factor);
range = 1–4
selection of the co-adding table for the high data rate;
range = 1–70 (note that the equality of the maximum number of co-adding
schemes and the maximum number of states is only accidental)
Note: for the ADC calibration, the co-adding index is set to ‘0’
selection of the co-adding table for the low data rate;
range = 1–70 (note that the equality of the maximum number of co-adding
schemes and the maximum number of states is only accidental)
Note: for the ADC calibration, the co-adding index is set to ‘0’
identification of the measurement category, range = 1–22
(note that this parameter is not used onboard, it is added to the measurement
data packets for ground processing purposes)
the assignment of IDs is as follows:
1 = Nadir
2 = Limb
3 = Nadir_Pointing
4 = SO&C_Scanning
5 = SO&C_Pointing
6 = MO&C_Pointing
7 = Moon scanning
8 = Sun_Diffuser_Calibration (ND filter out)
9 = Sub-solar Calibration
10 = Spectral_Lamp_Calibration
11 = White_Lamp_Calibration
12 = Dark_Current_Calibration
13 = Sun Nadir/Elevation_Mirror_Calibration
14 = Moon Nadir/Elevation_Mirror_Calibration
15 = ADC Calibration
16 = Sun_Diffuser_Calibration (ND filter in)
17 = Nadir_eclipse (pointing)
18 = Nadir_eclipse (scanning)
Note: the HSM_I/F_Test is not listed because the corresponding state is
only used on-ground and not among the set of 70 instrument states



This table stores the Start ID of the RTCS associated with each state. Only one table of this class exists.

Table Template:

Start Index:

identifier of the entry number of the first primitive command of the RTCS in the
RTCS Table; range = 1–1000;
note that the 70 Start Indices are listed sequentially corresponding to an implicit
sequence of state IDs, the latter starting at state ID=1 and ending at state ID = 70
(as depicted in the list of states right to the RTCS Index table)


Measurement Category / RTCS Configuration – Support

This table lists the relation between state ID, measurement category and RTCS configuration, i.e. status of the mechanisms and the lamps. The table is not stored onboard but has been derived from State Index, and State RTCS Index table.

Table Template:

Measurement Category ID:

State ID:

description of state;
identifier of measurement category;
range = 1-31 (maximum);
identifier of RTCS;
identifier of state;
status of nadir calibration window (closed/open);
status of aperture stop mechanism (large/small);
status of neutral density filter mechanism (in/out);
status of white light source (on/off);
status of spectral line source (on/off);

Page generated 20 February 2002; last update: 05 November 2003